October 21, 2024
Peninsula Energy Ltd. (ASX:PEN, OTCQB:PENMF, BUY, A$0.20 target, David A. Talbot) provided a construction update for its flagship Lance uranium ISR project in Wyoming. The project is on track for a restart in December 2024 with the wellfield construction complete and final plant installations due in November. Concrete work and installation of the building’s structural steel and roofing are complete. The ion-exchange vessels, elution tanks, and precipitation tanks have been placed and significant progress has been made on other key systems including HVAC. Pre-production work such as groundwater preconditioning is underway at Mine Unit 1 (MU-1). Final regulatory approval for MU-3 has been received, and Header House 11 (HH-11) is fully constructed for preconditioning operations. Twelve rigs are preparing additional production pattern wells at HH-12 and HH-13, and overall, well installation at MU-3 is now 76% complete. Ore delineation drilling is nearing completion, and rigs are installing a monitoring well in MU-4. Peninsula is also planning a 20:1 consolidation of its shares and securities, subject to shareholder approval during its AGM on November 21st. Its post-consolidation share count is expected to be ~159.4M, or ~176.1M on a fully diluted basis. We are encouraged to see the construction going as planned. Peninsula expects to be cash flow positive by Q3/25. Read more
Company Specific Disclosure Details
Peninsula Energy Limited – ASX:PEN – 1,2,3
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