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Disclosure Requirement

Red Cloud Securities Inc. is registered as an Investment Dealer in all Canadian provinces and territories, and is a member of the Investment Industry Organization of Canada (IIROC). Part of Red Cloud Securities Inc.'s business is to connect mining companies with suitable investors. Red Cloud Securities Inc., its affiliates and their respective officers, directors, representatives, researchers and members of their families may hold positions in the companies mentioned in this document and may buy and/or sell their securities. Additionally, Red Cloud Securities Inc. may have provided in the past, and may provide in the future, certain advisory or corporate finance services and receive financial and other incentives from issuers as consideration for the provision of such services. Red Cloud Securities Inc. has prepared this document for general information purposes only. This document should not be considered a solicitation to purchase or sell securities or a recommendation to buy or sell securities. The information provided has been derived from sources believed to be accurate but cannot be guaranteed. This document does not take into account the particular investment objectives, financial situations, or needs of individual recipients and other issues (e.g. prohibitions to investments due to law, jurisdiction issues, etc.) which may exist for certain persons. Recipients should rely on their own investigations and take their own professional advice before investment. Red Cloud Securities Inc. will not treat recipients of this document as clients by virtue of having viewed this document.

Red Cloud Securities Inc. takes no responsibility for any errors or omissions contained herein, and accepts no legal responsibility for any errors or omissions contained herein, and accepts no legal responsibility from any losses resulting from investment decisions based on the content of this report.

Red Cloud Securities has this percentage of its universe assigned as the following:

Status %
BUY 69%
BUY (S) 28%
NA 1%
Under Review 0%

Recommendation Terminology

  • Red Cloud Securities Inc. recommendation terminology is as follows:
  • BUY – expected to outperform its peer group
  • HOLD – expected to perform with its peer group
  • SELL – expected to underperform its peer group
  • Tender – clients are advised to tender their shares to a takeover bid
  • Not Rated or NA – currently restricted from publishing, or we do not yet have a rating
  • Under Review – our rating and target are under review pending, prior estimates and rating should be disregarded.

Companies with BUY, HOLD or SELL recommendations may not have target prices associated with a recommendation. Recommendations without a target price are more speculative in nature and may be followed by “(S)” or “(Speculative)” to reflect the higher degree of risk associated with the company. Additionally, our target prices are set based on a 12-month investment horizon. 


Red Cloud Securities Inc. distributes its research products simultaneously, via email, to its authorized client base. All research is then available on via login and password. As well, Red Cloud Securities research is made available to Bloomberg, Capital IQ, FactSet and Thomson Reuters

Analyst Certification

The Red Cloud Securities Inc. Analyst named on the report hereby certifies that the recommendations and/or opinions expressed herein accurately reflect such research analyst’s personal views about the company and securities that are the subject of this report; or any companies mentioned in the report that are also covered by the named analyst. In addition, no part of the research analyst’s compensation is, or will be, directly or indirectly, related to the specific recommendations or views expressed by such research analyst in this report.