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Ucore Rare Metals Inc. (TSXV:UCU) – Notable News

December 13, 2023

Ucore Rare Metals Inc. (TSXV:UCU, Not Rated, David A. Talbot) announced that Louisiana’s Governor, Mr. Jon Bel, has executed the Industrial Tax Exemption Program (ITEP), which provides Ucore up to ~US$8.2M in tax exemptions over 10 years. The ITEP is part of a broader US$15M incentive that has been offered by the Louisiana Government for the development of the Louisiana Strategic Metals Complex (LA-SMC) – a 7,500 tpa commercial REE processing facility based on Ucore’s proprietary Rapid-SX technology. Additionally, Ucore has selected LA’s Orbital Engineering and Ratcliff Construction for engineering and contracting services, respectively. The companies are expected to work with Ucore’s team to scale up its demo plant in Kingston to a commercial scale at LA-SMC. We believe the support from the Louisiana Government, US Department of Defense, and Canadian Government (read notable), should act as stamps of approval for Ucore’s technology and capabilities, bringing it a step closer to the construction of its first commercial-scale REE processing facility. Read more

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Ucore Rare Metals Inc. – TSXV:UCU

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